Parent Body

Grace and Peace!

To all officers, staff, Moderators, Pastors, Preachers, Delegates, friends and supporters of the East Mississippi
Baptist State Convention, Inc. I greet each of you in the awesome, amazing, majestic, and magnificent name of
Jesus Christ, our Kinsmen and Redeemer.

What a tremendous blessing it is for us to anxiously prepare for our in-person meetings, after yet suffering
through the COVID-19 crisis, these past few years. Although we have suffered immensely, times are different,
and what we once knew as normal has taken on a new meaning, we are still thankful as God has kept us and
blessed us to meet again, and for that, we are grateful.

It is my pleasure and my honor to welcome you to this 128th Annual Session of the East Mississippi Baptist
State Convention, Inc. Diligent efforts have been made to ensure that this session will meet and exceed your
spiritual needs, ambitions, and expectations. My hope is that after being at this session, you will return to your
churches and places of ministry renewed, refreshed, re-focused, revived, and ready for the challenges that
await you, as you do ministry.