Grace, Mercy and Love be multiplied unto you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ! I greet you in the matchless and magnificent name of our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ.
It is with great humility and humbleness that I welcome you to our convention website.
I am humbled and honored for the opportunity to serve this august body of believers, East Mississippi Baptist State Convention, not because of me, but because of what the Lord has done. I stand before you as the Chief Servant Leader with a clear understanding that I could not have done anything to deserve this awesome task assigned to my hands by God. I am certain that I stand on the shoulders of some great men of God who have stood before me. I can truly agree with the psalmist who aptly declared, “This is the Lord’s doing, it is marvelous in our eyes.” I truly appreciate the officers of this convention who serve with me, that we may work the will of God and tread the path that leads to Kingdom Building.
I am excited about what God is positioning our convention to do and look forward to working with every Pastor, Moderator, District Association and Church as we seek to move forward to Advancing the Kingdom through the Mission, Message, and Mandate of Jesus Christ. Please know that we are no stronger than our constituent membership. Therefore, I encourage all Pastors and churches to remain active for the cause of Christ and involved in the growth of our convention. Let each of us thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed upon us.
Let us never forget why we exist and the purpose God has ordained for us. Our focus is forever geared toward thanking God for His steadfast faithfulness and re-establishing our commitment to evangelism, discipleship, Christian education and stewardship. May we continue the work of the master and envision the future exceptionally.
Thanks for visiting with us and please come again.
Servant of Heaven,
Rev. Ecclesiastes Goodwin, Sr.